Alfa greets Mothers and celebrates the “Mother’s Day’ occasion withMothers in the Media Field

Beirut, March 19, 2014 –
On the occasion of Mother’s day, Alfa, managed by Orascom Telecom, honored Mothers in the media fieldin a brunch at La Posta restaurant – Beirut,in recognition of their contributions towards both their family and their work.

This Mother’s day celebrationis a token of appreciation from Alfa toMothers, especially thatMarch is the month that witnessestributes to mothers and women around the world.
During the event, the role of women was emphasized as integral both in education and economic development.Thiscomes in line with Alfa’s commitmentto promote the role of mothers in economic life by offering equal opportunities for women, who represent today more than 40% of the Alfa staff,with more than 30 % of them being mothers.

“Beauty and elegance” was the theme of this year’s mother’s day celebration, and since every mother should devote time to herselfdespite her busy schedule – especially in the media sector –an image consultantwas present at the event and has offered tips for the mothers and women present.

Finally and on this special occasion, Alfa would like to wish all Mothers a happy Mother’s day!


About Alfa

Alfa is the first Lebanese mobile network owned by the Republic of Lebanon and managed by Orascom Telecom, Media and Technology (OTMT). Alfa capitalizes on the vast know-how and international expertise of OTMT in order to deliver quality and professional solutions for the mobile sector in Lebanon. On October 25, 2011, Alfa was the first mobile operator to launch 3G+ mobile broadband services in Lebanon. In a new technological achievement, Alfa has become the first operator that launches 4G-LTE commercially in Lebanon on May 15, 2013. Alfa currently serves over 1.85 million subscribers and its network covers 99% of Lebanon. For more information, please visit:

About Orascom Telecom Media and Technology

OTMT is a holding company that has investments in companies with operations mainly in Egypt, North Korea, Pakistan, Lebanon and other North African and Middle-Eastern countries. The activities of OTMT are mainly divided into its GSM, media and technology and cable businesses. The GSM activities include mobile telecommunications operations in Egypt, North Korea and Lebanon. The media and technology division consists of OT Ventures/Intouch Communications Service and the OT Ventures Internet portals and other ventures in Egypt, including LINK Development, ARPU+ and LINKonLINE. The cable business focuses on the management of cable networks.

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